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sana un servicio de asistencia medica primaria 24/7

From the first moment we set foot in Turkana, we understood that the most vulnerable population was the child population. Without medical or assistance services, with minimal access to education and with a level of nutrition below the level of malnutrition.

For this reason, we began to work to provide them with a health center that would allow us to have an at least healthy child population for later, and in a second step, facilitate access to education and nutrition, mainly for the pre-school child population.

We analyze the causes that lead families to not be able to provide the minimum quality of life to children in their first years of life and the devastating effects that they produce in the preschool child population. After the analysis, we opted for the creation of this preschool as the optimal solution to guarantee the development of children in their first years of life prior to school age.

Our contribution to this project is determined exclusively by the transfer of land use, owned by our local counterpart in Kenya, Aztivate Foundation, as well as the direction of the construction work of the center who will be, in the same way, carried out by Aztivate Foundation in Kenya.

The management of the educational and logistical activity of the center will be carried out by our partner in this project, the Spanish organization Amor sin Barreras, who will take all the necessary steps and work for the proper functioning of the center.

Hombre sonriente con un teléfono inteligente

The increase in average temperature and the consequent desertification of the territory due to global emissions of greenhouse gases and the consequent climate change with an increase in the average temperature of 2-3 degrees in the last 60 years.

Drought has an impact on water scarcity at the community level and the consequent reduction of available food, causing a food crisis that in turn generates serious malnutrition problems and influences infectious diseases such as diarrhea and cholera.

The little or no investment in infrastructure of the Kenyan government, for years, such as roads, health centers, schools, etc ... has produced a non-existent economic activity based almost exclusively on minor livestock that is affected by the shortage of Water.

Very low resilience of the population to changes and / or natural catastrophes.


€ 30,720






BBVA ES8401820936090201644791

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